For over 150 years, the Lone Rock Community Congregational Church has been a symbol of the grace of God and a loving expression of people’s faith in Jesus Christ.
The “church on the corner” has reminded thousands of people of the authority and power of their Creator. The church has reminded many of the reality and simplicity of God in the complexities of life. This building of wood and stone has stood for all who gaze upon its beauty to be assured that God is alive and has something vital to say to all people. Though the founding years of the 1800’s, through two world wars, the great depression, amidst economic and social upheaval, this church has been a radiant witness for Jesus Christ in the community.
The apostle Paul’s words, from Scripture, today are my words. Paul wrote in I Thessalonians 1:2,3, “I give thanks to God always for you, making mention of you in my prayers. I continually remember your work of faith, your labor of love and your endurance inspired by hope in Jesus Christ.”
In celebrating the goodness of God today, I thank God for the faithful followers of Christ who have worked so diligently to do the work of ministry that all Christians are called to do. People who quietly reflected their love for their Savior by teaching Sunday School, serving on boards, cooking suppers, singing in the choir, sweeping the floor and telling their neighbor of the love of God--and knowing the quality of people in this church, I know this has been a labor of love.
I also thank my God because of the steadfast devotion the members of this church have shown to Jesus Christ, and they’ve endured because of sure and confident trust in the Savior. For these many years, we’ve worked together as pastor and people to give out the true Bread of Life.
Dear friends, we live in a changing world which has many disposable religions, but may I exhort you to always hold fast to the truth of salvation through personal faith in Jesus.
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Craig Peach
Lone Rock Community Congregational Church
Rev. Jonathan Morris, Pastor | 202 S. Chestnut St. | P.O. Box 249 | Lone Rock, WI 53556
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